ASIA International Innovation Exhibition (AIINEx) 2020

Participant Guideline

  1. Abstract must be in one paragraph only consist of 250-400 words.
  2. Abstract must be written in English and free of spelling and grammar mistake.

A good abstract contains a background, problem statement, objective, novelty, benefits to society etc.


(Please follow format as below):

​    Name of Project

  1. Leader, Project Members & Institution
  2. Introduction/Background
  3. Problem Statement
  4. Objectives
  5. Novelty
  6. Benefit to the user
  7. Benefit to the society
  8. Commercialization potential

Awards/recognition received


Online Project Presentation (via Video Conference)
  1. Participant must present via online video conference via Webex platform within the schedule given.
  2. The presentation is 10 minutes + 5 minutes Q&A.
Innovative Idea Video Challenge (5 Minutes Video Challenge)

  1. Participant must provide a 5 minutes video. (There is no restriction to use other supporting video presentation such as PowToon, Spark video, power point video presentation or a recording of you presenting the product).
  2. Video must be uploaded in the google drive.
  3. Submit your video link to Connecting Asia google drive link. (Use following file name format: Category – Reference number).
  4. Please make sure that the video are :
  • Clear sound and lighting
  • Minimum background noise
Infographic Poster Challenge
  1. Participant must provide an A1 size poster (594 x 841 mm / 23.4 x 33.1 inch).
  2. Poster must be uploaded in the google drive.
  3. Submit your poster link to Connecting Asia google drive link. (Use following file name format: Category – Reference number).
  4. No oral presentation required.
  5. Evaluation will be based on the infographic poster submission.


Level of Project:

  1. Novelty & Inventiveness – 20
  2. Applicability – 10
  3. Product/Technology Readiness – 10
  4. Research Achievement (Publication, Fund & Talent Development) – 30
  5. Intellectual property – 5
  6. Commercial potential -10
  7. Level of Impact – 10
  8. Presentation and Other Strength – 5
  1. Novelty & Inventiveness – 15
  2. Applicability – 10
  3. Product/Technology Readiness – 10
  4. Research Achievement (Publication, Fund & Talent Development) – Total 15
  5. Intellectual property – 10
  6. Industry/Business Partner – 5
  7. Commercial potential – 20
  8. Level of Impact – 10
  9. Presentation and Other Strength – 5
  1. Novelty & Inventiveness – 10
  2. Applicability – 10
  3. Product/Technology Readiness – 10
  4. Research Achievement (Publication, Fund & Talent Development) – Total 10
  5. Intellectual property – 10
  6. Business Partner – 5
  7. Commercialization Status – 30
  8. Level of Impact – 10
  9. Presentation and Other Strength – 5
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