- What is the address of ASIA’s portal for new members?
The portal of Connecting ASIA can be accessed at www.portal.connectingasia.org. Each new member can register himself/herself over there.
- How can I upload the abstract?
First of all, register yourself as an author on the portal of Connecting ASIA at www.portal.connectingasia.org. After registration, Sign in to your account and select your concern conference. Now the abstract can be uploaded.
- How can I upload the revised paper?
Sign in to your account on the portal of Connecting ASIA (company) and select your concern conference. Now the revised manuscript abstract can be uploaded.
- How can I download my invoice?
Login to your account on the portal of Connecting ASIA and select your concern conference. Now the invoice can be uploaded from your portal.
- What is the publication status of my paper?
For confirmation of the publication status of your paper be vigilant and check your emails regularly, in case of any query you can email us at; info@connectingasia.org
- How can I get a membership discount?
After submitting your abstract /manuscript, you can apply for a discount or some grant.
- What is a travel grant?
The travel grant is financial support for the selected participant who is registered for the conference at the time of selection. Connecting ASIA prefers old members and a first come first serve basis.
- Payment through LOA is possible or not?
Yes, payment through LOA is possible and upload the LOA as a payment proof of your paper at Connecting ASIA portal.
- What is the indexing of journals where our manuscript can be published?
Connecting Asia always extended its efforts to publish all accepted papers in available Scopus/ISI indexed journals. Before submission, check the currently available list of journals and their indexing by yourself.
- How can I get my presenter certificate?
Normally the presenter certificate is handed over to the author soon after the presentation session is over on the conference day.
- Can more than one author of a paper receive an individual certificate?
Normally the presenter certificate is issued to the presenter of the paper only. However the other authors may request the certificates, but the decision rests with the management.
- How can I check the indexing of a specified journal?
It is the sole responsibility of the author to check the status of any journal in SCOPUS, visit; www.scopus.com, and click the option of “Source” also click the option of “title” and type in the name of the journal. Scopus will show the results of your search.
- Indexing of a specified journal changes after the publication process?
Before submission, check the currently available list of journals and their indexing by yourself. Connecting Asia is not responsible for any change in the journal indexing at a later stage.
- Is there any specific template available for initial submitting my full paper?
For the initial submission, it is advisable to submit your paper in APA style. During the later stages of publication, the author will be asked to convert their paper according to the template of a particular journal for which their paper has been selected.
- How much time will you take up for publication?
The publication process varies from journal to journal. However, at most, it takes ten months after the conference.
- When our abstract/paper will be accepted?
The abstract will be accepted after a rigorous review process undertaken by the ASIA editorial board. For confirmation of the acceptance of your abstract/paper, be vigilant and check your emails regularly.
- What is the review process?
High-quality papers are accepted after a rigorous review process undertaken by the ASIA editorial board (http://connectingasia.org/scientific-committee/). Before publication in a reputable journal, the respective journal reviews the paper as per their policy.
- If the journal rejects our manuscript?
Connection ASIA will be responsible for publishing it on some other Scopus index journal.
- If we unable to present our manuscript in the conference?
Presentation is mandatory for proceeding towards publication. Presenter can avail of the option of virtual conference (Online presentation through Skype). However, the company will not refund any fee in any Company will not publish
- What are the cancellation and refund policy?
All cancellations/refunds must be sent in writing via e-mail for one week before the conference date. Please e-mail cancellations, if possible. No refund application will be entertained if the paper is rejected due to plagiarism.
- What is the plagiarism policy?
Plagiarism is a clear violation of the Connecting ASIA’s publications policy and a potential violation of the Code of Ethics. Any submitted paper with plagiarism (similarity index) more than 15% will be rejected. Additionally, self-plagiarism is also not allowed.
- What is the process for correcting a published manuscript?
After publication, the author has to contact the publisher for any amendments.
- How can I edit the corresponding author?
In this case, send your information at info@connectingasia.org. Our team will do it on your behalf and will update you through your registered email.
- How to edit the correspondent author email id?
In this case, send your information at info@connectingasia.org. Our team will do it on your behalf and will update you through your registered email.
- How to include/exclude the co-author?
Email us at info@connectingasia.org for further action; we will try to accommodate it if possible at our end.
- What is the available list of journals for publication of our paper?
Connecting Asia always extended its efforts to publish conference papers in available Scopus/ISI indexed journals. The currently available list of journals is available on the website www.connectingasia.org.
- How to remove a wrong uploaded paper?
Email us at info@connectingasia.org for further action; we will try to accommodate it if possible at our end.
- What are the publication charges?
After submission and initial review; publication charges will be informed through email.
- What are the charges for the conference?
The registration fee for each conference is mentioned on the flyer or main page of website www.connectingasia.org
- How many words need for extended abstract?
Maximum 250-300 words are allowed for extended abstracts.
- Where can we see the journal’s detail?
The information about the journal is obtained from the journal website and verified from the Scopus database.
- Is our paper will be published in Scopus?
Connecting Asia always extended its efforts to publish all accepted papers in available Scopus/ISI indexed journals.
- Can we submit our paper after the due date?
After the due date, we will not accept any paper. If you fail to submit due to some unforeseen reasons so email us at info@connectingasia.org for further action.
- Can we submit our fee after the due date?
Yes, you can pay on the conference day before registration. However, it is recommended to pay earlier to avoid the rush.
- Can we make a payment on the conference day?
Yes, you can pay on the conference day before registration. However, It is recommended to pay earlier to avoid the rush.
- How can we found our missing paper in the Scopus database?
After publication, if the article is not found/indexed in the Scopus database, the authors have to contact with Scopus through email at scopussupport@elsevier.com or Scopus help center or any relevant indexing agencies (e.g. ISI Web of Science)
- How many words are needed for full paper?
A maximum of 6000 words is allowed for submission in our conferences.
- Is the conference schedule available?
Details will be posted on our website as they are confirmed. A full conference schedule, including conference sessions, will be available on our website one month prior to our conference.
- Is there a PowerPoint template that I should be used for presentation at the conference?
- What is the procedure to get a letter of invitation before I can receive my visa.?
Connecting ASIA will provide letters of invitation upon request to registrants only.
- My question is not listed here. Whom do I contact?
Please contact info@connectingasia.orgfor assistance.